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  • Jacob Baggs

Deep Sub Beats, A Critical Evaluation


Well, what a year it has been.

Deep Sub Beats is finally an official business with a stunning website, which has already sold it's first lease. I thought i'd get that great news off my chest before getting into the nitty gritty of a critical evaluation.

As mentioned in previous blog posts, Deep Sub Beats started off as project solely to satisfy the LFOs of a University Degree (now it looks to have become much more) and an important part of this assignment is to give an in depth critical evaluation of the whole process (Thank god for these blog posts eh?).

The best way to evaluate whether i have achieved the goals i set out to is to look back over at the document which contains those goals. My action plan was written at the very start of the year and was adapted as i moved through the year setting more relevant goals as the months moved on.

If we compare the action plan's targets to what was achieved in each blog post as we go through the months, we can accurately evaluate how successful I have been within this module.


As i was lost at the beginning of the year as to what i was going to do for this module i set myself extremely achievable goals. However it turns out even though these goals were extremely achievable, i was unable to meet the first one i set; find a solid idea. When looking back it is clear this was because i prioritised the modules that were already laid out in my head. Although i was able to create the action plan, there were only extremely vague instructions added to it. Similarly a journal was started, however there was no relevant information obtained from it to use for the blog posts due to the fact that I hadn't decided on a project yet.


In October there was a hand in due towards this module. At this time Deep Sub Beats wasn't even in the pipeline, resulting in a disappointing 2:2 for that particular assignment. Even by the end of October i was still completely in the dark as to what i was going to do for this module. In hindsight i should have probably spent more time on this module, however I did achieve firsts in both other modules, so perhaps it was the best i could have done.


By Late November i had decided what i wanted to do for this module and i nearly caught up with all the targets i set for myself. I hadn't started the Blog yet as there very little to talk about and i wanted each blog post to contain a significant amount of information about my development. The only thing i regret not doing is that i didn't document any of the information i had gained from researching how to succeed as an independent music business.


By December i had fully caught up with the action plan. In hindsight this was due to a stroke of luck when a family member was in contact with a member of the industry i was researching. This led to me meeting with him much faster than if i was to have approached him otherwise.


By January it seems i was already a month ahead of the action plan. I was creating a business plan with the help of an industry professional and had chosen IndieGoGo as the source of fundraising for the company. At this point i decided it best to update the action plan and set myself relevant goals to ensure that i kept focused.


In February i achieved all of the adjusted goals from January and continued to stay on top of the blogging and beat creation. There wasn't much to evaluate in February, I managed to get it all done.


However, March brought a whole load of critical evaluation to my door. I did complete all of the tasks i set myself to achieve, however a massive change of plan was made. Richard (the industry professional) advised me to hold off with the crowdfunding until after uni when the company will have a name for itself and he and I will have more time to invest in the company. In hindsight this was a brilliant decision from Richard. Having to create promotional videos for the company and convince investors would have been too much for me to handle on top of all my other deadlines.


By the end of April everything was ready to go, the website was finished with all but this blog post included on it. I decided to wait till the day of the hand in to make the site live. This is so i could draw more attention to DSB's social media pages by stating that i have finished uni and then showing everyone the start of my new company at the same.


To conclude my evaluation i believe that this journey into the creation of Deep Sub Beats has been extremely successful. I feel this due to the fact that even though at the beginning of the year i was 2 months behind in progress towards this module, i managed to end up a month ahead of schedule. I should finishing by saying that this module has taught me more about running a business than i ever thought i'd know. I have high hopes for Deep Sub Beats and i hope you do to.

Thanks for reading and take care,

Jacob Baggs

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