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  • Jacob Baggs

The Birth of Deep Sub Beats

Hello, Jacob Baggs here,

Last month i chose the creation of a music production company focusing on the creation of Hip Hop, R&B and Grime beats as the project for my professional development module. When researching into how to create a company i soon realised that i have no business experience what so ever and that this might be more of a challenge than i had anticipated.

At this point i decided to stop trying to complete a degree in business as well as music at the same time and I approached an industry professional for advice.

Richard Clarke, owner of OrangeDot Consultancy has contacts within the music industry. I was suggested to contact him by a family member of whom he was in business with.

On our first meeting Richard knew exactly what questions to ask in order to start the process of creating a company unique to myself. for example:

- Do you want this company to be personal or professional, for example "Bellas Bakery" (A local bakery in our mutual home town) or "Greggs"?

- Where do you see the company in 5 years time?

- What will be this company's main form of revenue?

Richard asked many more questions, not all of which could I answer in that one meeting. However, by the end of the meeting the foundations of the company were built and a name was chosen; Deep Sub Beats.

The next meeting with Richard is scheduled for 2 weeks time. By that time I will need the answers to the questions he posed so that a business plan can be started.

Thanks for reading and take care,

Jacob Baggs.

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